David Jacob
Branch Director
David has more than 20 years’ experience in the industry and started his career in commercial claims for Sun Alliance. During that time, he dealt with some of the most significant incidents, including the October 1987 storms and Bishopsgate Bombing in 1993.
David moved across to broking in 1997 and continued with claims, accepting the position of Group Claims Manager for Alliance Insurance Management. The most challenging period was the July 2005 London Bombings when David was instrumental in obtaining Business Interruption settlements for clients when the general insurance market was denying any cover existed.
With the experience gained from resolving claims issues, David knows the benefit of having the correct cover in place. His current role as Branch Director focuses on seeking out new opportunities to show others what the Group is capable of when it comes to risk management.
Married with two children and a spotty dog, his regular pastimes revolve around adrenaline fuelled sports… he is well-versed in managing risk!