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Guides and advice Risk Management

Social distancing at work | COVID-19

Social distancing at work

At Alan Boswell Risk Management (ABRM) we recognise that all companies have been facing, and continue to face, incredibly complex challenges. More than ever, the importance of applying sensible risk management principles is essential and our series of fact-sheets aim to provide relevant guidance in light of the current COVID-19 situation. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you require any assistance.

Social Distancing at Work

Keep your business going

For those businesses that are deemed ‘essential services’ the implementation of social distancing measures is considered crucial by Public Health England (PHE), who issued the guidance, to reduce the spread of the infection.

No business, aside from some non-essential shops and public venues have been required to close. However, businesses should be taking every possible step to facilitate their employees working from home. If this is not possible you can still travel to work, assuming you have no Coronavirus symptoms.

If you have employees and/or customers onsite then you should be doing everything possible to follow PHE’s guidance on social distancing (maintaining 2m distance from others) and hygiene (washing hands regularly with soap and water).

Social distancing guidelines

  • Observe all the Government guidelines regards social distancing, vulnerable persons, etc.

  • Put suitable measures in place to meet the requirements of the guidelines and provide information to staff on how you intend doing this, such as with written guidelines. Ask staff to sign off against these.

  • Listen to all staff concerns and deal with these as far as possible. The workforce will likely have a mix of anxieties so it is important that the business is able to offer support to those that need it during this time.

  • It is vital to keeps records as evidence of the steps taken to minimise risk to staff when they return to work during lockdown.

HSE Enforcement Action

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have now recognised their part in this important process by issuing their own statement on social distancing to help protect businesses, employees and customers.COVID-19 is now a notifiable disease under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) where there is reasonable evidence it has been transmitted in the workplace. There are also reporting requirements for work related dangerous occurrences and fatalities in connection with the disease.

Failure to implement suitable measures and follow Government guidelines, particularly on the 2 metre social distancing and dealing with virus symptoms can lead to enforcement action by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Download this information in our one-page fact sheet:

Information correct at time of publication