Financial Planning

3 mins
Inheritance tax simplifications

New report on inheritance tax simplification

The Office of Tax Simplification (OTS) published its long-awaited second report on inheritance tax (IHT) in July with a range of useful proposals.

4 mins
Pension flexibility

Pension flexibility: too taxing for many

Recent HMRC statistics highlight the over-taxation of some pension benefits. Could you be due a refund?

4 mins
Inheritance tax

Inheritance tax quiz: true or false?

A report by HMRC revealed only a quarter of people surveyed could identify true and false statements about inheritance tax. Are you in the top 25%?

3 mins
Tax bills for doctors

Unexpected tax bills for doctors

According to a recent Financial Times report, some NHS consultants are receiving tax bills of up to £87,000, prompting them to reduce working hours or even take early retirement.

4 mins
Retirement planning

When can you expect to retire?

With life expectancy rates increasing and pensions being stretched to the limit, the trend of working past 65 is growing. How long do you plan to work for?

3 mins
paying for healthcare

Should I pay for private healthcare?

The PMI market is worth more than £3.98bn and a recent study found that the size of the UK private healthcare market is due to increase 2.8% year-on-year until 2025, estimating that it will be worth £14bn.

4 mins
Budget 2018

Budget 2018: Top 5 best bits for savers

On October 29th, Philip Hammond shared the 2019 Budget with the public. John Whitehead, MD of Alan Boswell Financial Planners, has reviewed the budget and gives the top 5 takeaways for savers.

10 mins
The gift of giving

The gift of giving

Making a gift to your family when you are still alive is an effective way of passing on your wealth that needn’t be confusing, as John Whitehead, Managing Director of Alan Boswell Financial Planning, explains.

10 mins
Residence nil-band rate

Understanding the residence nil-rate band

Inheritance tax can often be the elephant in the room. Most of us don’t really want to talk about what will happen after our deaths. But with some careful planning, a variety of tax reliefs and allowances can be used to help you pass on as much as possible to your loved ones.

14 mins
How do pensions work?

How do pensions work?

Chartered Financial Planner Neil Marsden explains what pensions are and how they work

4 mins
Find the best private pension

Best private pension: how to find the right pension for you

If you're just starting out, finding the best private pension can seem like a headache and you may need a little guidance to get on the right track.

4 mins
Pension terms decoded

Pension terms decoded

The world of pensions is full of complex terminology, which can make pension advice seem confusing. Here’s our brief guide to help you get started.

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