Investment funds vary greatly in terms of where the money is invested and what they aim to achieve, with options to suit most people’s objectives.
- Advice from qualified investment advisers
- Access to the whole of the market
- Risk-based solutions
- Full review service
Investment funds vary greatly in terms of where the money is invested and what they aim to achieve, with options to suit most people’s objectives. Whether you want to save for school fees, a deposit for a house, or an extravagant holiday, it is essential that you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take advantage of your taxation status.
Many investment funds have managers to invest money on your behalf, based upon the objective of the fund and your attitude to investment risk. You are, therefore, benefitting from exposure to a variety of assets, with the decisions about where to invest and in what proportion being made by an expert in that field.
The Alan Boswell Group Difference
Our qualified independent financial advisers will take the time to get to know you and can help establish the most appropriate investment solution. After investing your money we are able to review your portfolio to ensure it remains suitable, particularly if your circumstances change.

Investments in detail
Collective investments
Stocks & Shares ISAs
Investment bonds
Other investments
The value of an investment and any income from it can go down as well as up and you might not get back the original amount invested. The past is not a guide to the future.
The value of tax benefits depends on your individual circumstances and the laws concerning these can change.
Get in touch
To find out more, ask a question, or make an appointment to speak to one of our advisers, please get in touch.