Savings and Investment

Savings & Investments

Start planning for your future and the financial security of the ones closest to you.

Speak to an adviser  01603 967967

Savings and investments vary greatly in terms of where the money is invested and what they aim to achieve, with options to suit most people’s objectives. Whether you want to save for school fees, a deposit for a house, or an extravagant holiday, it is essential that you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take the best advantage of your taxation status.

With the options of leaving it in the bank, taking out an ISA, investing in a unit trust and more, there are lots of options to choose from.
Diversification can spread the risk and limit your exposure to one particular area.

The Alan Boswell Group Difference

Alan Boswell Financial Planners can create an investment portfolio designed to meet your financial goals and provide a regular review to ensure that this remains on track. We’ll get to know you and your needs, so you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take best advantage of your taxation status.

If you already have a portfolio of investments we can carry out a review to ensure that the various components are performing within your expectations and that your requirements have not changed since the portfolio was originally constructed.

Business Loan Protection

Savings and investments for you and your family

Getting advice

We provide expert advice to help you find the most appropriate savings and investment solution.

Find your level of risk

Our financial advisers will look at your entire financial situation, taking into account the plans you have for your money, how much is needed for emergencies, and the level of risk you are prepared to take.

Regular reviews

The advisers will recommend a solution, arrange for it to be implemented and, if required, review your savings and investments on a regular basis.

An investment sector reshuffle


Whether you want to save for school fees, a deposit for a house, or an extravagant holiday, it is essential that you hold investments that match your personal attitude to risk and take advantage of your taxation status.

What is life insurance?

Individual Savings Account

Take advantage of your Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance each year, to make sure more of your savings or investments are benefitting from the tax breaks available.

Individual Savings Account


Get in touch

To find out more, ask a question, or make an appointment to speak to one of our advisers, please get in touch.

Speak to us:  01603 967967