Private Sector Leasing Insurance
Designed for landlords renting to local authorities, offering protection against tenant-related risks and property damage.
- Sub-letting is authorised
- No tenant referencing required

The operation of a private sector leasing (PSL) scheme is an effective way to expand housing stock to cope with demand. Many local authorities and housing associations now run successful schemes and they are being supported by growing numbers of landlords who recognise the benefits.
A landlord joining such a scheme will have to confirm they have appropriate landlords insurance in place. However, in many instances, their existing insurance policy will not cover properties in a PSL arrangement.
The Alan Boswell Group Difference
Having worked with landlords for more than 40 years we fully understand the rental market.
Following the development of PSL schemes, we have created a product in conjunction with SAGIC which provides an insurance solution for anyone joining a PSL scheme.

Private sector leasing in detail
SAGIC and Alan Boswell Group
Get in touch
Whether you need a quote, have a general enquiry, want to register a claim, or talk it through over the phone, we're here to help.