Group Private Medical Insurance

Group Private Medical Insurance

Private medical insurance enables your employees to skip waiting lists, benefit from private hospital rooms, and often receive treatments unavailable through the NHS.

  • Employees receive prompt treatment at a time convenient for everyone
  • Access to private facilities often with access to TV, phone, and the internet
  • Choice of consultant and hospital
  • Specialist treatments, often unavailable on the NHS
Speak to us:  01603 967955

No one denies we have a wonderful National Health Service, but most people would accept that it is under strain and in some cases waiting lists can be very long and treatments limited. Private medical insurance enables you to skip the waiting lists, benefit from private hospital rooms, and often receive drugs and treatments which are unavailable on the NHS.

Group PMI is an attractive employee benefit, keeping you, your staff, business, and profits healthy; an affordable private health solution providing a valued benefit for employee and employer alike.

Employees receive prompt treatment at a time convenient for everyone

Access to private facilities often with access to TV, phone, and the internet

Choice of consultant and hospital

Specialist treatments, often unavailable on the NHS

The Alan Boswell Group Difference

There are so many variations to private medical insurance that it can be very confusing.

With many PMI providers offering online solutions it may be tempting to buy online – but the risk is that you end up with too little, too much, or the wrong cover entirely.

Getting advice is the best way to make sure you’re getting the right solution for you. At Alan Boswell Group we have expert Health Consultants on-hand to help with your group healthcare questions.

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Group private medial insurance in detail

At some point, as your business grows you will inevitably make the decision to add in some employee benefits. You’ll do some competitor analysis and note that other companies are offering flexible-working or have an enhanced bonus scheme. You may review your pension contributions or offer some life insurance solutions.

One of the key benefits you may consider is private medical insurance.

Offering PMI adds values that are attractive to both employees and employer. Not only do your staff benefit from reduced waiting times, private rooms, access to treatments unavailable on the NHS, faster diagnosis, choice of surgeon or hospital, and comprehensive access to therapies, but your company benefits from staff returning to work quicker, improved company welfare, and you’re likely to be considered a better place to work.

Dental and optical

Treatment costs covered for extended treatment

GP access

24/7 access to a GP online or via your phone. Prescription service included.


Therapy insurance to cover extended treatments from a physio, chiropractor etc.


Speed up diagnosis with direct access to consultants, tests, MRIs, and CT scans.

Health checks

Annual health checks, either at a private hospital or self-administered at home.

Stress support

Confidential 24/7 telephone support line and, often, counselling options over the phone or face-to-face.

Mental health

Supports staff well-being. Includes psychiatric cover.

Family cover

Extend your cover to include your spouse and children.

At Alan Boswell Group we have various solutions designed to fit your requirements and budget. By taking the time to get to know you and your business we can help you decide if one of our packaged solutions meets your needs or whether a fully bespoke solution is best.

Check out our guide to the ‘Top 10 things to know about Group PMI’

Business expense

It is important to remember that group PMI is a benefit-in-kind and will usually be offset as a business expense.

Our solutions

We have a wide choice of group PMI solutions:


  • 24/7 GP access

  • Up to three physio sessions

  • Online health check

  • Private nurse helpline

Level 3

  • 24/7 GP access

  • Up to five physio sessions

  • Online health check and vitamin D tests

  • Private nurse helpline, cancer nurse support

  • + Diagnosis – consultations, diagnostic tests, MRI and CT scans

Level 2

  • 24/7 GP access

  • Up to eight physio sessions

  • Online health check, vitamin D and cholesterol tests

  • Private nurse helpline, cancer nurse support

  • + Diagnosis – consultations, diagnostic tests, MRI and CT scans

  • + Treatment – specialists, surgeons, room, dressings and drugs

Level 1

  • 24/7 GP access

  • Unlimited physio sessions

  • Online health check, vitamin D, cholesterol, and diabetes tests

  • Private nurse helpline, cancer nurse support

  • + Diagnosis – consultations, diagnostic tests, MRI, and CT scans

  • + Treatment – specialists, surgeons, room, dressings, and drugs

Why choose health trusts?

Health trusts are a flexible alternative suited to larger organisations paying more than £250,000 for annual PMI cover.

  • Tailored cover to suit your organisation

  • Premiums directly fund claims

  • Excess funds are refunded to the organisation at the end of the year

  • Significant cost saving when compared to Group PMI

Why choose health cash plans?

  • Common treatment fees are covered, e.g. routine dental check-ups, contact lenses, and optician costs

  • Plans also cover many common treatments such as physiotherapy, health, wellbeing treatments, and chiropody

  • No GP referral needed

  • Can be used alongside existing PMI schemes

Dental insurance

Dental insurance is becoming an increasingly popular employee benefit. It is available for companies of two or more employees.

Why choose dental plans?

  • Preventative care, minor and remedial care, and restorative treatment

  • Accidental dental cover

  • Insurance for mouth cancer

  • Choice of both NHS and private dentist

Group PMI guide

At Alan Boswell Group we have various solutions designed to fit your requirements and budget. By taking the time to get to know you and your business we can help you decide if one of our packaged solutions meets your needs or whether a fully bespoke solution is best.

Check out our guide to the top 10 things to know about group PMI.

Download guide


Talk to our advisers

To find out more, ask a question, or make an appointment to speak to one of our advisers, please get in touch.

Speak to us:  01603 967955
Caroline Carver
Caroline Carver

Insurance Adviser

Lucy Cerise
Lucy Cerise

Insurance Adviser

Clare Chamberlin
Clare Chamberlin

Insurance Assistant

Karen Grauwiler
Karen Grauwiler

Senior Healthcare Adviser

Alex Mhandu
Alex Mhandu

Head of Healthcare

Daniel Crowson
Daniel Crowson

Healthcare Adviser

Kim Relf
Kim Relf

Insurance Adviser

Caroline Carver
Caroline Carver

Insurance Adviser

Lucy Cerise
Lucy Cerise

Insurance Adviser

Clare Chamberlin
Clare Chamberlin

Insurance Assistant

Karen Grauwiler
Karen Grauwiler

Senior Healthcare Adviser

Alex Mhandu
Alex Mhandu

Head of Healthcare

Daniel Crowson
Daniel Crowson

Healthcare Adviser

Kim Relf
Kim Relf

Insurance Adviser