Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults

First Tutors

Specially developed to protect teachers, lecturers, and tutors who are self-employed or provide private tuition, lecturing, or coaching outside of their main employment.

Our teachers’ liability insurance scheme has been specially developed to protect the increasing numbers of teachers and lecturers who are self-employed or provide private tuition, lecturing, or coaching outside of their main employment.

Liability cover is also available for most types of educational consultants, including those operating limited companies.

The Alan Boswell Group Difference

Alan Boswell Group are the preferred insurance supplier for First Tutors.

Our specialist teacher’s liability policy brings together the required covers in one simple package and is so competitively priced that there’s now no need to leave yourself without cover.

Alan Boswell Group adviser for Teachers insurance

How our customers rate us

The insurance provides excellent cover for my tutoring needs. I feel really confident with this policy and the cost is affordable.

Mrs Harkin - Teacher's Liability Insurance

Teachers insurance in detail

The policy is specifically designed for teachers and covers teaching all academic subjects plus sports coaching, music, drama, technology, cookery, and practical science activities.

Instant cover available from just £114 a year (plus £10 admin fee).

Professional negligence

Many teachers undertake private work (effectively in a self-employed capacity) without realising that this leaves them open to claims that could be made against them arising from errors and omissions, professional negligence, or other liability. When you are working for the Local Authority or another employer, it is usual for the employer’s own liability insurance policies to provide you with appropriate protection. But when you work outside the course of your normal employment, you are potentially exposed to liability claims which might be brought against you personally by pupils, parents, or third parties.

Designed specially for teachers

Our specialist teacher’s liability policy brings together the required cover in one simple package and it is so competitively priced that there’s now no need to leave yourself without cover:

The application process is quick and simple

Everything is done online.

Costs are kept to a minimum

We issue all the paperwork on the insurer's behalf.

Specially negotiated for teachers

The scheme has been negotiated specially for teachers, lecturers, and educational consultants and features very broad cover so individual underwriting is unnecessary.

The First Tutors liability insurance policy is arranged and administered by specialists Alan Boswell Group and underwritten by Peach. It provides vital cover for those involved in educational consultancy and private tuition work undertaken in the United Kingdom:

  • Public Liability Insurance - £1million indemnity limit*

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance - £1million indemnity limit*

  • Excess - No excess applies to the first claims you make in any year. Subsequent claims in the same year are subject to a £250 excess if made under the Public Liability section and £500 if made under the Professional Indemnity section.

* With option to increase to £2million or £5million for an increased premium.


Existing clients

You should receive your Teacher’s Insurance renewal by email 21 days before renewal. If you haven’t received yours or if you have any questions, please contact us on 01603 649724 or [email protected].

Making a claim

When it comes to private tuition, parents and students may seek to apportion blame for a failure to reach a desired outcome. To some people, blame equals compensation. Nowadays, rather than accepting any personal responsibility, people are encouraged to search for someone else to blame for their misfortunes.

We have a dedicated claims support team of experienced personnel, mainly from insurance company backgrounds. Our people are there to help, support, and manage your insurance claim for you through any crisis on a day-to-day basis.

Contact us by phone or by using our claims enquiry form so that we can help you.

Speak to us:  01603 218099

Get in touch

Whether you need a quote, have a general enquiry, want to register a claim, or want to talk it through over the phone, we're here to help.

Speak to us:  01603 649724
female face
Elspeth Wright

Insurance Adviser

female face
Holly Garry-Rust

Insurance Adviser