Approved Therapies
Your insurance can cover you for a wide range of therapies at a competitive premium. The therapies are categorised within three different pricing brackets and your premium will be based on the therapies you practice rather than the number of therapies selected.
For any therapy which you require cover for you must be able to produce, on demand, a relevant professional qualification certificate. Cover is for the UK and 90 days abroad (providing you are a UK resident, with a UK home address and UK bank account). All claims made are under UK jurisdiction.
If you would like to request cover for a therapy which is not already listed, please contact us on 01603 649725.
Therapy / treatment (330) |
Treatment risk covered |
Public liability |
Acupressure |
Acupressure on cats and dogs |
Acupuncture |
Airbrush tattoos |
Airnergy |
Alexander technique |
Alkaline skin wash |
Allergy and environmental therapy |
Allergy elimination / intolerance testing |
Anatomy in motion |
Animal therapies - all complementary therapies subject to the animal not being tethered and no treatments on racing animals or blood stock/stud animals |
Antenatal care |
Applied bio-mechanics |
Aqua classes |
Aqua detox |
Aquanatal |
Armchair excercises for the elderly |
Aromatherapy |
Assemblage point |
Aura soma |
Auricular acupuncture |
Auricular ear acupuncture |
Ayurveda |
Baby massage |
Baby massage instruction |
Bach flower remedies |
Beard / hair shaving |
Beautician |
Biodynamic therapy |
Bioenergetic therapy |
Biochemics |
Biodanza |
Birth preparation / antenatal classes |
Birth support work (including Doulas |
Blink & Go (eyelash extensions) |
Body alignment technique |
Body brushing |
Body conditioning exercise |
Body scrub |
Body spin |
Body talk |
Body wrapping |
Bowen technique |
Brain gym |
Brazilian blow dry |
Breast feeding / lactation consulting |
Brown sugar scrub |
Buqi |
Buteyko |
Butterfly experience |
CACI - Classic (microcurrent, facial toning, hydratone, lines / wrinkles, eye bags, skin hydration, neck treatments, cellulite with ECM attachment & hand treatments) |
CACI - Ultra (microcurrent, facial toning, hydratone, lines / wrinkles, eye bags, skin hydration, neck treatments, cellulite with ECM attachment, hand treatments, faradic current body toning & slimming) |
CACI - Ultra (wrinkle comb using LED light therapy, ultrasonic peeling, hydratone, microcurrent, facial toning, lines / wrinkles, eye bags, skin hydration, skin peeling, acne / blemishes, neck treatments, cellulite with ECM attachment, stretch marks & hand treatments) |
Calgel (manicure) |
Cathiodermie facial |
Cavitation |
Cell-uwave (ultrasound) |
Chair based exercises |
Chair bound exercises |
Chi machine |
Chios energy healing |
Chiropodist / foot healthcare professional |
Chiropody |
Chrysalis effect |
CND acrylic (manicure) |
Cognitive behavioural therapy |
Colour breathing practitioner |
Colour therapy |
Complex homeopathy |
Cosmelight (intense pulse light) |
Cosmetics |
Counselling |
Cranio-sacral therapy |
Creative healing |
Creative visualisation |
Cryolipolysis |
Crystal acupuncture |
Crystal healing therapy |
Cupping (only available for members of the AoR) |
Dance / keep fit |
Daoyin Tao massage |
Dead sea salt scrub |
Delsera (waxing) |
Depilation |
DepiLite (intense pulse light) |
Dermalogica face mapping |
Dermaplaning |
Dibitron |
Dorn therapy |
Dowsing for stress relief |
Dream analysis |
Ear candling (only available for members of the AoR) |
Ear piercing by gun of stud |
Earthing / grounding |
Eastern head massage |
Electro crystal therapy |
Electro mechanical slimming |
Electrolysis |
Embodied facilitator |
EMF balancing technique |
EMMETT Technique |
Emotional transformation (excluding past life regression or regressive memory therapy) |
Emotrance |
Endermologie |
Energy alignment method |
Energy cone technique |
Energy field technique |
Energy healing (including EIP of DNA, rapid healing and holographic healing of ancestral DNA) |
Energy morphing activation |
EpiFacial (intense pulsed light) |
Eurowave (faradic current) |
Executive coaching |
Exercising with disabled people |
Exfoliation |
Express lashes (eyelash extensions) |
Eyebrow / lash tinting |
Eyelash extensions |
Eyelash perming |
Facials / facial masks |
Fake bake (spray on tans) |
Faradic current |
Far-infrared hothouse sauna |
FasterEFT |
Fat mobilisation system |
Fertility coaching |
Flotation therapy |
Food intolerance testing (York method) |
Freedom fertility formula |
Frequency compensation, bio resonance testing & spectronosodes |
Full body polish |
Functional dry needling |
Gait therapy |
Galvanic desincrustant |
Garra rufa fish |
Gelish (manicure) |
Glycolic acid treatments |
Guinot super cathiodermie facial (micro current facial) |
Gym instruction |
Hair bleaching |
Hair cutting |
Hair drying |
Hair dyeing |
Hair permanent waving |
Hair removal by electrolysis |
Hair removal preparations |
Hair styling |
Hair tinting |
Hair washing |
Hartur body slim (ultrasound) |
HD brows (eyelash / eyebrow threading) |
Healing framework |
Health coaching |
Hearts process |
Henna tattoos |
Herbal medicine |
Herbalism |
Holistic fertility therapy |
Holographic repatterning |
Homeopathy |
Hot stone massage |
Hydro massage facilities |
Hydrotherapy |
Hypnobirthing |
Hypnotherapy |
Hypoxi therapy |
Inch loss |
Indian head massage |
Intense pulsed light - IPL |
Inter X (advanced qualification or CPD accredited) |
Ionisation |
Ionithermie |
Iontophoresis |
Iridology |
Jin Shin Jyutsu |
Journey therapy |
Kaeso facial |
Kinesiology |
Kinetic chain release |
Laser therapy |
Lash & Go (eyelash extensions) |
Lash lift (eyelash perming) |
Laughter yoga |
LED therapy including face masks |
Leighton Denny (manicure) |
Let's Go (eyelash extensions) |
Life coaching |
Light heat energy |
Lipo cavitation |
Louise Hay counselling |
LVL (eyelash extensions) |
Lycon (waxing) |
Magnetic therapy |
Mama rising matrescence |
Manicure |
Manual lymphatic drainage |
Maskery technique for the treatment of injuries |
Massage |
Matrix re-imprinting |
Medi-cell (ultrasound) |
Meditation relaxation therapy |
Meldings |
Mendhi (Henna tattoos) |
Metamorphic technique |
Metaphysical counselling (terms & conditions apply) |
Micro current facial |
Micro skin abrasion |
Microdermabrasion |
Milia extraction |
Mindfulness based cognitive therapy |
Moxibustion (excluding Moxibustion on the face) |
Music therapy |
MyLash (eyelash extensions) |
Neal's Yard remedies - advice only |
Neo illumination LED |
Neuro linguistic programming |
Neuro muscular transmission |
Niagara therapy |
Non surgical facelift |
Nouveau semi-permanent lash (eyelash extensions) |
Numerology |
Nutritional guidance |
Nutritional guidance workshops |
Nutritional healing |
Nutritional medicine |
Olaplex hair preparation |
OldPain2Go |
Oligotherapy |
Olys light system |
OPI (manicure) |
Orthobionomy |
Oxygen use |
Paraffin wax treatment |
Pedicure |
Personal training online (subject to an agreement on an individual basis) |
Pet grooming |
Physiotherapy |
Pilates |
Plucking |
Podiatrists |
Polarity therapy |
PRAI beauty neck lift |
Pranic healing |
Psychotherapy (including arts psychotherapy with pictures / puppets and sand play) |
Qi Gong |
Quantam touch |
Radionics |
Rebalancing |
Rebirthing |
Rebozo, non-invasive, post-partum massage therapy (general massage experience required) |
Reconnective healing |
Reflexology |
Reiki |
Reiki on cats & dogs |
Relaxation therapy |
Remedial camouflage |
Rolfing |
Rosen method |
Russian lashes (eyelash extensions) |
Russian volume semi-permanent lash (eyelash extensions) |
Sacred activations |
Salt glow (body scrub) |
Salt scrub |
Salt therapy (Halotherapy) |
Sarfaredism |
Sauna |
Scar work therapy |
Scenar (Skenarllrtter X) |
Sea salt scrub |
Selling nutritional vitamins / minerals / detoxifiers |
Shamanic practice & teaching |
Shaping |
Shellac / CND Shellac (manicure) |
Shiatsu |
Silhouette International (Faradic current) |
Singing bowl therapy |
Skin mapping / face mapping |
Skinbase (as long as qualified in beauty therapy) |
Sleep training |
Slendertone (Faradic current) |
Slimming / cellulite treatments |
Solaria and sunbeds - only available where incidental to the main trade activities. Solaria and sunbed only risks are unacceptable. |
Solfeggio treatment |
Somatic trauma therapy |
Sonophoresis facials |
Soul contract reading (recognised qualification level 1-3 required) |
Soul midwifery |
Soul plan |
Sound healing and voicework |
Sound therapy |
Special treatment of hair |
Spineworks |
Spiritual / natural healing |
Sports therapy |
Spray on tans |
St. Tropez (spray on tans) |
Steam treatments |
Sugar glow (body scrub) |
Sugar scrub |
Sugaring |
SVS (eyelash extensions) |
Swedish massage |
Tai Chi |
Temporary tooth jewellery |
Thai massage |
The Balance Procedure |
The Journey |
Therapeutic drumming |
Theta healing |
Thought field therapy |
Threading |
Toning tables |
Transformational breathing facilitator |
TRE (tension & trauma release exercises) |
Trichology |
Tuina massage |
Turkish baths |
Turkish shave |
Ultrasound |
Ultrasound cavitation |
Ultratone (Faradic current) |
Vacuum suction |
Vega testing |
Vibrational medicine |
Vita Liberata (spray on tans) |
Vortex healing / alignment |
Waxing hair removal |
Weight consultancy |
Weleda wellbeing advisor |
Yoga |
Zero balancing |
Where treatment is marked with a cross, the treatment or therapy is only covered for public liability insurance.
This insurance scheme only recognises fully certified courses undertaken to gain qualification. Courses can be online unless the degree of pressure being applied has to be assessed by the Tutor / Examiner.