• Fallen stock
  • Disease cover
  • Fertility guarantee
Livestock Insurance

Livestock Insurance

Livestock insurance provides vital cover for farmers, safeguarding their investment in animals against risks such as disease, accidents, or theft.

  • All risks mortality and loss of use for specified animals
  • Business interruption
  • Theft and mysterious disappearance
  • Transit risks
Speak to us:  01603 218000

Livestock insurance is a key product for private farm owners and commercial livestock operators, providing tailored insurance cover to protect their assets from risks such as mortality, infertility, theft, and disease, in situ or in transit.

The Alan Boswell Group Difference

Farming insurance is one of our fields of expertise and a farmer's livestock needs the correct insurance.

We have heavily invested to ensure we provide you with the best farming insurance possible. We have dedicated farm advisers across our six offices, covering farms in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Lincolnshire.

We utilise our unique farm scheme, backed by Aviva, and farm specialists within our claims team to ensure you get the cover you need. The livestock insurance we offer will be specifically designed for your farming operations.

Livestock Insurance

How our customers rate us

Lovely, friendly and knowledgeable people to work with, highly recommended!

Weze - Commercial Combined Insurance

Livestock insurance in detail

We all know the importance of insuring your business assets and for a livestock farmer, their biggest assets will be their dairy, beef, and sheep farming operations.

The risks presented to a livestock farmer are unique and ever-changing, with disease, fertility-risks, theft, and transit accidents sat alongside more common risks such as fire, flood, and storm damage.

Having an insurance expert take the time to understand your unique operations and tailoring an insurance programme that meets your needs is crucial to ensure you are properly protected without paying for unnecessary cover.

Our livestock insurance policy primarily focuses on providing cover for larger groups or herds of animals and/or part of a farm insurance policy.

Herd cover

Provides cover for an entire herd from disease, transit risks etc.

Fertility guarantee

The specified animal becomes permanently infertile, impotent or incapable of service.

All risks mortality

Cover for specified animals. Ideal for valuable breeding stock. Covers death from accidental, violent, external, and visible means and illness or disease.

Worry of sheep and cattle

Cover if your sheep or cattle are stressed by dogs, foxes, or vermin to the point of death.

Fallen stock

Covers the removal of carcass' when livestock dies on your farm, ensuring it is collected, identified, and transported correctly without ‘undue delay’.

Disease cover

Cover if your livestock contracted diseases such as Foot & Mouth, Aujeszky’s disease, Swine vesicular disease, Tuberculosis reactor, and Maedi Visni.

Fatal injury on or off the premises

If your livestock finds its way off your land onto a public road or river and dies you will have cover. If your animals are poisoned by vermin in a food trough or eat acorns on your own land this is covered.

Theft or mysterious disappearance

Cover if your livestock is stolen and/or if your livestock cannot be located, and the circumstances of disappearance cannot be explained, or do not lend themselves to a reasonable inference that a theft occurred.

Business interruption

Having business interruption cover as part of your livestock policy means you can claim the advanced value of your livestock. For example: if you have pigs and they die two months before being sold to slaughter you would receive the additional value those pigs had at the time of slaughter.


Get in touch

Whether you need a quote, have a general enquiry, want to register a claim, or want to talk it through over the phone, we're here to help.

Speak to us:  01603 218000
Make a claim