Brand assets and guidelines
If you have arrived at this page, it’s likely you are looking to use our logo or want to mention us in some promotional material you are creating. As you can imagine, we are proud of our name and logo, so we provide guidance on their use below.
Firstly, if you are an introducer or want to specifically promote any of the products/services we offer, you must obtain our approval beforehand. In these situations, please contact us at [email protected] to obtain this approval.
If you are simply adding our logo because we’ve sponsored you, or perhaps it’s part of a news item, or we’ve donated to your charity (i.e. not specifically promoting products/services), you can use the resources below without needing pre-approval.
If you are in any doubt, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Our name
Please refrain from referring to us as:
The Alan Boswell Group
Alan Boswell's
Our colours
Our colourways include our two primary colours and a selection of secondary colours as shown here: