About Us

About Us

"The natural choice for friendly, expert advice on insurance, risk management and financial services."

As an insurance and financial planning group with 40 years’ experience, our longevity and reputation are the result of doing things a little differently – of going the extra mile for you, our people, and our communities.

As one of the largest independent insurance brokers in the UK, with six offices and over 400 members of staff, we’re ideally placed to ensure you and your business receive expert advice whenever you need it.

As well as arranging both personal and commercial insurance, we have an ever-evolving portfolio of added-value services, including underwriting, claims handling, loss assessment, risk management, specialist equipment inspection and health and safety consultation.

Our financial planning teams can also provide ongoing advice and support on a range of employee benefits for businesses – while our personal finance experts can give guidance on your savings and investments, protection or retirement plans.

Whether you use our services in isolation or as part of a package, you are guaranteed to receive the same high standards every time.

These pages will guide you through how we work and introduce the people committed to providing expert advice, presenting our ever-evolving range of products and services along the way.

You can download a copy of this information by clicking below.

Our services

Business insurance

Business Insurance

Covers the cost of compensating clients for loss or damage resulting from negligent services or advice provided.

Financial advice in Norfolk

Personal Financial Planning

Choose the financial services you need from protection to savings and investments we can provide help and advice with our certified financial planners.

Risk Management

Risk Management

Meeting your moral and legal obligations should not be a tick-box exercise but an opportunity to understand your business. Let Alan Boswell Risk Management help.

Personal insurance from Alan Boswell Group independent insurance brokers

Personal Insurance

Comprehensive insurance solutions tailored to your personal needs, from home insurance to unoccupied property coverage, motorhome and private car insurance

Business Financial Planning

Business Financial Planning

Choose the financial services you need from protection to savings and investments we can provide help and advice with our certified financial planners.

Landlord insurance

Landlord Insurance

Flexible landlords insurance products from a market-leading broker. Compare quotes for your buildings, contents and liability insurance for commercial or residential properties.

Employee Benefits

Employee Benefits

Employee benefits are great for both employers and employees. Our team can help you find the best solution for you and your team.

Financial results

I’m pleased to report that we’ve had another successful year. It’s a testament to our teams that we’re both an award-winning and a growing business. Customer service is at the heart of what we do, whether it’s insurance or financial planning, and our positive results reflect that.

Alan Boswell, Group Chairman

Financial highlights 2023/2024

Income up 10% to £40.5m

Group profits of £6.5m

Capital and reserves of £18m

405 staff

Over £660,000 donated to charitable causes (predominantly via the Alan Boswell Group Charitable Trust)

The Group’s turnover increased by 10.1% to £40,535,782, while profits before tax increased by 9.6% to £9,249,623. The board are satisfied with the growth in turnover and profits and are extremely grateful to the staff of the Group who continue to provide a quality service to our clients.

The trade assets and liabilities of ARW Wealth Managers Limited were transferred into Alan Boswell & Company Limited during the year, following a process seen over the last few years of simplifying and clarifying our structure.

We remain committed to providing our clients with an ever-growing range of services and skills. Our aim is to deliver an exceptional level of service and we are grateful to our highly committed and professional staff for their contribution towards achieving this.

The Group continued to make significant donations to the Alan Boswell Group Charitable Trust. In the year to 31/03/2024 another £661,162 was donated to charity. This was an increase on the prior year and affirms the commitment the company has to making a positive contribution to our local communities.

During the year, our Bury St Edmunds office moved to larger premises.

In April 2024, Insurance Service Centre (The) Ltd joined Alan Boswell Group, with all staff and clients being transferred into Alan Boswell Insurance Brokers Ltd. In July 2024, Priory Insurance Services Ltd also joined the Group. The office in Wymondham remain open and we look forward to working with the staff and clients from this business. These positive moves will further increase our client count, staff count, and provide expertise in certain areas.

Our people

Our reputation and status as one of the UK’s largest independent insurance brokers and financial planning groups is maintained by our people.

From our graduates and apprentices to our directors and specialists, we ensure that we attract and retain the best and brightest talent.

We look after our people by providing a friendly, professional environment where they feel valued and supported.

We encourage them to train, develop, and grow with us. We do this so they can put their expertise, experience, and enthusiasm into looking after you.

Find a member of staff
Our values

Our values

Pride: We are passionate about what we do and are proud of our reputation.

Integrity and honesty: We respect and trust all, act responsibly, and behave ethically and with professional integrity.

Our service: We make an effort to understand our customers, enabling us to add value and provide a superior service.

Working together: We work together towards a common goal and take ownership and accountability for the role we fulfil.

Achieving results: We aim for success in everything we do.

Creativity: We continually work towards improving and developing what we do to optimise growth and build on our successes.

Environmental Social Governance

We take our commitment to our environment, communities and our employees seriously. Read more about our approach to ESG.

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Awards and testimonials

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